For many college students, deciding what to wear on a particular day and on different occasions can be challenging. It can be more stressful if you don’t have proper storage. If you’re looking for ideas to design your wardrobe while maintaining simplicity, style, and accessibility, this article is for you.
Some of the most challenging parts of college life are selecting what you will wear, tidying up your room, and completing assignments on time. If you’re stressed with pending homework, you can pay a custom essay writing service for help. However, if you’re worried about finding a perfect balance between maintaining a clean and organized room and looking neat, you just have to work on it. So, how can you even start?
If you’re a female student looking for ideas to create and design your wardrobe, you should have a list of essential items you wear regularly. If your school or faculty recommends a specific dress code, ensure you include the essentials in your closet.
Wardrobe essentials for female students
Any female, whether a teenager, youth, or adult, needs clothes that make her feel confident, comfortable, and unique. Here are 10 must-have items for college students. The list may not be extensive, but we believe it comprises some of the most essential items that should not be lacking in any female student’s wardrobe.
- Several pairs of slim fit or mammy jeans. The choice depends on your body shape and taste.
- Leggings. Preferably black and navy blue
- Dresses. Shirt dresses and several fitting skater/ mini dresses to pair with leggings.
- Cardigans
- Several trench coats for the winter season
- A backpack/ a slim-fit laptop bag
- A medium-sized tote bag
- T-shirts, preferably plain colored (navy blue, white, pink, and black). You can match these shades with any color.
- Sports shoes/sneakers
- Sandals/ flat shoes with straps
Simple tips for designing and organizing student wardrobes
Your college wardrobe will most likely comprise a few items, including sports attires, hoods, shoes, trousers, or dresses, and those we’ve outlined above if you’re into a feminine look. In addition, you will need space for some personal items for grooming. Check out the following tips to help you design your storage space:
- Use any little/ idle space in your room
As a college student, you don’t have to invest in vast and expensive wardrobes to store your clothes and shoes. You can arrange your shoes in an open cloth rack or a shoe box and store them in the corridors or under the bed. If you’re looking for something budget-friendly but classy, go for underbed boxes with wheels to organize your space.
Most interior designers emphasize that storing items under the bed is not a good idea. However, as a student, you can use the space, but ensure you clean it regularly. In addition, your room should have enough lighting to avoid hosting pests and other small creatures like spiders.
- Customize your storage space
Customizing your storage solution can save you a lot of money. Online retail stores like Amazon offer a wide variety of ready-made wardrobe combinations for small and large spaces. However, you can design or customize your ideal one if you can’t afford them. Your choice will depend on your room’s color, size, storage needs, and preferred look.

Steps to customize your wardrobe
Buying a ready-made wardrobe can be an ideal solution for your storage needs. However, you might not settle for something that fits perfectly in your room, so it is advisable to customize a PAX wardrobe.
Here are essential tips to help you design an ideal PAX wardrobe to fit your room and storage needs:
- Have a layout of your wardrobe
Do you want storage space for your clothes only? Will the wardrobe be multi-functional and large enough to store your shoes, bedding, bags, and skin care products? Asking yourself these questions will help you plan and decide your wardrobe’s type, size, and layout.
You should not design a large wardrobe when you need one to help you organize a few items and vice versa.
- Obtain accurate measurements for the frames
The second step to finding the perfect solution is to measure the space in your room, including the height from the ceiling to the roof/ceiling and the length from one wall to another. The information will help you find a storage solution using the available space. We recommend choosing white PAX frames for a more classy look. However, black and brown are also great options.
- Select the perfect doors and their handles
Of course, your wardrobe will need knobs and doors for an appealing look. So, choose doors with hinges and handles that you consider most appropriate, but always remember that the doors should match the frames. Nonetheless, you can skip this step if you prefer storing your clothes in an open wardrobe.
- Choose the type of storage you need
Do you prefer hanging your clothes or arranging them in drawers and shelves? Your response should help you plan how much to invest in your wardrobe. Hanging clothes will likely consume more space than stacking them in drawers after folding. Therefore, it would be appropriate to have shelves, but you aren’t limited to this option.
- Add materials to help you organize the interior space
Choosing interior organizers depends on what you plan to store in the PAX wardrobe. Therefore, you should have a clear outline of how the interior should look like. Some great ideas for organizing the available space include buying drawers, small shelves, jewelry boxes, and hangers. If your wardrobe is big enough, you can add a small shoe rack at the bottom.
Summing up
We have outlined simple organization ideas to help you utilize the space in your room to achieve a stylish look and a neat environment. These tips are great for students learning how to be creative, organized, and stylish on a budget. So, consider these recommendations if you want to design your wardrobe.